Institutional Research

They have realised films such as 'Hot Fuzz' and 'Shaun of the Dead', these films are classed has a hybrid genre of comedy and thriller. Despite these films having comedy elements they still have the key genre of thriller therefore they could be a potential production company idea. Their website states that 'Comedy is, and always has been, the beating heart of Big Talk' therefore this production company may not be the best production company to sell our film too.
Hammer is another more independent production company. Hammer is British film production company founded in 1934. They are known for their films which genres of science-fiction, thriller and comedies however their website shows clearly that the most popular genre is thriller due to their use of reds and scary images. Film's such as 'Dracula' and 'The Mummy' are two of the most popular films made with this production companies with elements of myths and history creating the current plot. The most recent film they have realised was the following the original film of 'The Women in Black' called 'The Women in Black, Angle of Death' the film has made over $130m worldwide making it one of the biggest indie horror films ever therefore the success of pervious films allows our film to hopefully have a successful outcome due to the media success of the 'Hammer' name. They have worked with Warner Brothers to produce some of there films, Warner Brothers being on of the Big Three production companies based in America could suggest that our film could also be produced in America due to having links with Warner Brother. This production company will be more practical for our film because they realise thriller films therefore fans who know of the 'Hammer' production company will know of the companies genre and quality. It's collaboration with Warner Brother's will promote our film to venture across sea to America. We will use the following indent at the beginning of our film to allow the audience to understand the production companies and independent production companies which have come together to make our film. This will make a change to our story board as we now have decided to use indents which are more beneficial and link to our film genre and storyline. Hammer has quite a niche target audience therefore when we produce our film with this production company it'll be targeted at the right audience. With upcoming films in development such as 'Winchester Mystery House' and 'Shomer' it's clear the production company is still following the path of the thriller genre therefore this production company will still be suitable for our film genre.
Warner Brothers is one of the Big Three Production companies founded in California America in 1923. Being a large production company they also specialise in realising video games and television programmes. They realise a range of genre's due to their mass target audience. Due to their length of recognition everyone is familiar of Warner Brothers production market and their indent. Their indent is recognisable therefore to put this at the beginning of our film opening will allow the audience to see the mass production company which contribution into making the film as well as showing the independent production company. Being an America production company they are known across the world therefore if they realise our film it'll promote our film in other countries. The indent below will be at the beginning of our film opening before the independent indent because from our film research this seems to be a continues structure of portraying the indents.