Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Pitch Ideas

Pitch Ideas

Bunker: Teenagers go into an old bunker messing about and having a laugh only to find out it's haunted. The group of friends become spooked as they keep seeing shadows. As they run away trying to get out of the abandoned bunker, one of their friends can't get away and she is left behind. Now years later she's back to haunt those who didn't help her as is tries to get justice for the torcher she was left behind.
Opening: It'll be flash back which the subtitles will read. The scene will be in black and white to emphasis the year. A teenage group of mainly boys will be pushing each other and joking about, they fall across the abandoned Bunker and decided to explore for a 'joke'. Whilst looking around the bunker they keep hearing noises and sudden sounds, they then get to scared and run away. They leave one of the group members behind as they run for their lives and all of a sudden... a scream the friend is never to be seen again. The titles appear before a new image is shown of a city and a new modern date is read at the bottom and the image is in colour to show the film is continuing and time has passed. (Setting of Bunker below)

Stalker In the Woods: Two normal teenage sisters just having a spring day walk in the woods with Billy (the dog)... but they are not alone. Only to find themselves trapped in a nightmare waiting to happen. As they are followed and kidnapped by their stalker they do whatever they can trying to escape the dark prison... but only one will get away.
Opening: The two sisters will wake up and get ready. Flash cuts as the getting ready process will be quite long. They will start taking the dog for a walk before approaching the woods in which they enter. they are walking normally before realising they aren't allow in the woods as they keep hearing footsteps and rustle in the leaves. They start to play fetch with there dog however after the third throw the dog doesn't return and they hear it cry. Running to look for him they fall across the body remaining's of their beloved dog. (Setting below)

Diesel: You think that filling your car up is a simple task well not in Chatham... when Bella fill's her car up she comes across a mysterious looking male, he continues to have a shifty character who then trap's Bella and threatens to kill her.
Opening: The titles will show at the beginning. Bella will be shown at an office at work and her desk clock reading 22:29, when the clock hits 22:30 she jumps up and leaves work, her expression reading she is tired and upset. As she is shown getting into her car she drops her keys, emphasising her tiredness. She then when driving looks down at her fuel gage and it's on red. She pulls into a garage and fills her tank up. The camera is shifty as if from another person perspective (the stalker). As she is allow and tired she is very paranoid as it's dark, she goes into the shop to pay and as she looks out the window she believes she can see someone in the passenger seat. She runs out and the car is empty.
From the table above my group and I have come to the conclusion that we are going to use the storyline of the bunker. The location is assessable and despite the lack of light we believe we have come to the conclusion by adding lamps and torches to show the older time period as well as add light. The title of the film needs deciding however this is  not a priority at the moment. The structure of the film opening is going to be similar to the opening of 'X-Men' as this has a flash back from the past like our idea also includes.  


  1. Excellent - some great ideas here and a clear justification as to why you have chosen the 'Bunker' opening. Well done for using IT to support your ideas.

    Miss Mayo
